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Congratulations Fonts Share

120 fonts · collected by Yevgen Sadko
Different font styles that will be useful for design of beautiful greetings, congratulations and post cards. This page is constantly updated, save it to your bookmarks.
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Fiorina Title

  (Mint Type)

Quietism Variable

  (Michael Rafailyk)
2 of 2 font styles
Weight: 400
Contrast: 100
x-Height: 80


  (Michael Rafailyk)
4 of 4 font styles
Show other 2 fonts

Costa Blanca

  (Iryna Dvilyuk)
3 of 2 font styles
Show other 1 Font

Senorita Cyrillic

  (Iryna Dvilyuk)

IT Gaby Play

  (Tetiana Ivanenko)
2 of 1 font styles

1812 Year

11 of 14 font styles
Show other 9 fonts

Wild Loops

  (Michael Rafailyk)
3 of 2 font styles
Show other 1 Font


5 of 4 font styles
Show other 3 fonts

Quietism Poster

  (Michael Rafailyk)
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— The font can be rented on your computer using Rentafont Agent. — The font has a web format and ready to use on your websites. — The font is in the Stocker's Collection. — The font can be downloaded free of charge. — The font was designed by Ukrainian type designer — The font has been withdrawn from sale due to sanctions against russia.

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