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2Quadro (8) ![]() Quietism Deck (12) ![]() Quietism Display (12) ![]() Quietism Poster (12) ![]() Quietism Text (6) ![]() Quietism Variable (2) ![]() Quadrat Grotesk (3) ![]() Quadrat Grotesk New (3) ![]() Quant Antiqua (3) ![]() Quartal (22) ![]() Quiet Time (1) ![]() |
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In Collections: Fonts from Ukraine
Quietism Deck – font subfamily for subheadings.
Quietism is a smooth contemplative Antiqua with aspiring to the sky ascenders, inspired by the Quietism philosophy. Clarity of the mind is achieved by bringing the body into a state of calm and contemplation, and this is reflected in the design – the quiet horizontal serifs (body) are opposed to the peaky soaring ascenders (mind). The design also features four optical size subfamilies with different x-height and contrast, oldstyle diagonal stress axis, oldstyle figures by default, smooth details and slightly dark texture.
Styles: 42. Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Black weights. Roman and Italic. Optical sizes: Text, Deck, Display, Poster subfamilies. Variable fonts: Roman and Italic styles. Weight, Contrast, X-Height axes. Scripts: Latin, Greek, Cyrillic. Languages: 480+. Glyphs: 1845. Kerning: 4553 class-to-class pairs. Hinting: Manual PostScript for static fonts. Format: OTF – OpenType PostScript, and TTF – OpenType with TrueType outlines for Variable fonts.
OpenType Features:
Optical Size: The typeface is represented by four subfamilies: Text (low contrast, high x-height – for paragraph 10-20 pt), Deck (medium contrast, medium x-height – for subheading 20+ pt), Display (high contrast, medium x-height – for heading 72+ pt), Poster (high contrast, low x-height – for big size 120+ pt). Variable Font: Quietism Variable is represented by Roman and Italic separeted files and has three axes: Weight (Thin–Black), Contrast (Low-High), and X-Height (Low-High). Variable fonts provides more options than static fonts and includes thousands of styles that you can access using a sliders on graphic editor or via CSS on web browser. Mixing different axes gives you extra styles not represented by static fonts. Small Caps: Lowercase letters and Oldstyle Figures are replaced with Small Capitals forms. Capitals to Small Caps: Uppercase letters, all figures, and some punctuation are replaced with Small Capitals forms. Case Sensitive Forms: ()[]{}‹›«»-–—•·#%‰@ and Arrows are centered on capitals. Oldstyle figures are replaced with Lining figures. Oldstyle Figures: 0123456789 #%‰. Designed to work with lowercase letters. Used by default. Lining Figures: 0123456789 #%‰. Figures are the same height as uppercase letters (cap height). Proportional Figures: Lining, Oldstyle, Small Caps, Capitals to Small Caps. Tabular Figures: Lining, Oldstyle, Small Caps, Capitals to Small Caps. Ordinals: adehnorst. Superscript, Subscript, Numerator, Denominator: 0123456789. Fractions: ¼½¾⅐⅑⅒⅓⅔⅕⅖⅗⅘⅙⅚⅛⅜⅝⅞⅟ (precomposed). Any other fractions (even those typed through a slash) will also be displayed correctly, with the automatic replacement to Numerator + fraction + Denominator. Slashed Zero: All 0 figures. Contextual Alternates: Number sign character (#) before uppercase letters is replaced by its version centered on capitals. Hyphen character (-) between two uppercase letters is replaced by its version centered on capitals. First of two TT letters is replaced by its alternate form. Letters vwy before the letters fijmnprtuvwxy are replaced with an alternate shorter versions that fits better in the context. Contextual Alternates (Greek): ΆΈΉΊΌΎΏ. Greek uppercase accented characters lose their tonos accent and retain only dieresis in All Caps and Small Caps modes. Turned on by default. If you need tonos accents in All Caps then turn off Contextual Alternates (calt) feature. Stylistic Alternates: FTГТИЦЩцщ and their versions with diacritical marks. Stylistic Set 01 “Arrows”: Left <- Right -> Up <| Down |> Left Right <-> Up Down <|> North West <\ North East /> South West South East \>. Stylistic Set 02 “Round-Square Cyrillic”: ДИЙЍЛФвгджзийѝклнптцчшщьъю characters are replaced with its Bulgarian or Russian forms. Stylistic Set 03 “Cyrillic Tse Shcha short tails”: ЦЩцщ characters are replaced with its alternate form with short tail. Stylistic Set 04 “Cyrillic I full serifs”: ИЙЍӢ characters are replaced with its alternate form with inner serifs. Stylistic Set 05 “FT bent inward serif”: FTГ characters and their versions with diacritical marks are replaced with its alternate form with right head serif that bent inside. Stylistic Set 06 “Small Caps centered on Capitals”: Small Caps are vertically centered on uppercase letters. Standard Ligatures: fi fl fb ff fh fj fk ffb ffh ffi ffj ffk ffl. Discretionary Ligatures: Th ct st. Localized Forms: 52 character substitutions for Azeri, Bulgarian, Catalan, Dutch, German, Kazakh, Macedonian, Moldavian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Tatar, Turkish. Glyph Composition/Decomposition (Diacritics): Full Latin and based Vietnamese set of diacritics (571 characters) precomposed.
The promo images used illustration of Ola Rafailyk, painting of Pieter Bruegel the Elder, photo of Rodin's The Thinker at the Musée Rodin.
The typeface was designed by Michael Rafailyk in 2022.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Full font name
Съешь еще этих мягких французских булок да выпей же чаю
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Єхидна, ґава, їжак ще й шиплячі плазуни бігцем форсують Янцзи.
Гагарин Юрий Алексеевич — семейный психолог
1234567890, $99-30% АКЦИЯ! ЦЕНА: WC Open
Світ ловив мене, та не спіймав!
Trump, apologize or resign!
World Theatre Day
A man without a suit and a suit without a man
April 1 Fool's Day
Children's Book Day
The Internet Day
World Health Day
Don't miss this spring
Make Europe Great Again!
I’m not playing cards! – Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Ukraine will be victorious!
Happy Easter!
Stand With Ukraine!
Be brave like Ukraine!
8 font families similar to Quietism DeckAthelas GreekTypeTogetherIowan Old StyleParaTypeRevival 565ParaTypeHenmanParaTypeAllianceParaTypeQuietism Deck supports 103 languagesUkrainian, English, German, French, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Kazakh, Greek (modern), Vietnamese, Russian, Czech, Dutch, Swedish, Turkish, Finnish, Belarusian, Greek, Tatar, Serbian, Bulgarian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Albanian, Afrikaans, Basque, Breton, Valencian, Galician, Gaelic (Scottish), Danish, Indonesian, Irish, Icelandic (Win), Karakalpak, Catalan, Norwegian, Occitan, Rhaeto-Romance, Sami Lule, Tswansky, Uzbek (Lat.), Faroese, French, Frisian, Chamorro, Estonian (Win), South Sami, Albanian (Win), Hungarian, Upper leprechauny, Karelian, Latvian (Mac), Lithuanian (Mac), Maori (Mac), Moldovan (Lat.), Lower Sorbian, Romanian (Win), Slovak, Slovenian, Turkmen (Lat.), Croatian (Win), Estonian (Mac), Kurdish, Latvian, Maori, Romanian, Abazin, Avar, Agul, Adyghe, Darginsky, Ingush, Kabardino-Circassian, Kabardian, Karachay-Balkar, Kumyk, Lak, Lezghian, Macedonian, Mordovian-Moksha, Mordovian-Erzya, Nogai, Rutulian, Tabasaran, Tatar, Tsakhur, Chechen, Azerbaijani (Cyrillic), Bashkir, Buryat, Dungan, Kalmyk, Kirghiz, Mongolian (Cyrillic), Tajik, Talysh, Tuvan, Turkmen (Cyrillic), Uzbek (Cyrillic), Uighur, Russian (XIX) Functions of font family Quietism DeckApplication in layout:
Information type:
Media type:
Additional elements:
Associations for font family Quietism DeckNature or behavior:
thin, easy, cultural, educated, humanitarian, fragile, noble, high-quality, refined, artistic, flexible, plastic, dynamic, alive, handicraft, old-fashioned, historical, ancient, strange, craft brewed, polite, beautiful, exemplary, elegant, graceful, rhythmic, expressive, masterful, aristocratic, orderly, musical, aesthetically beautiful, select, silver, poetic, inspired, wedding, feminine, delicate, regardful, diligent, harmonious, comme il faut, pretentious, expensive, rich, conservative, traditional, classic, narrative, solemn, salon art, forest, tactful, spectacular, theatrical, passionate, pretty, romantic, famous, chic, festive, kind, Soft, motivating, dense, close-fitting, strong, notable, splashy, bright
fashion, painting, artist, perfumery, wedding, culture, museum, memorial, monument, headstone, art, history, philosophy, symphony, comme il faut, Premium, heraldry, library, literature, aesthetics, poetry, music, wine, castle, concert, dinner, restaurant, landscape, clothes, barbershop, cards, theater, tattoo, decoration, romance, dress, beauty, exhibition Stylistics:
Age stereotype:
Gender stereotype:
Geographic association: